
Apple Push Notification Server for Erlang.

Apple Push Notification Server for Erlang


alert() = apns_str()
                | #loc_alert{body = none | apns:apns_str(),
                             action = none | apns:apns_str(),
                             key = apns:apns_str(),
                             args = [apns:apns_str()],
                             image = none | apns:apns_str()}

apns_str() = binary() | string()

conn_id() = atom() | pid()

connection() =
            #apns_connection{apple_host = string(),
                             apple_port = integer(),
                             cert = undefined | binary(),
                             cert_file = string(),
                             key = undefined
                                  | {'RSAPrivateKey' |
                                     'DSAPrivateKey' |
                                     'ECPrivateKey' |
                             key_file = undefined | string(),
                             cert_password = undefined | string(),
                             timeout = integer(),
                             error_fun =
                                 fun((binary(), apns:status()) ->
                                         stop | term()),
                             feedback_host = string(),
                             feedback_port = integer(),
                             feedback_fun =
                                 fun(({calendar:datetime(), string()}) ->
                             feedback_timeout = integer() >= 1}

msg() =
            #apns_msg{id = binary(),
                      expiry = integer() >= 0,
                      device_token = undefined | string(),
                      content_available = boolean(),
                      alert = none | apns:alert(),
                      badge = none | integer(),
                      sound = none | apns:apns_str(),
                      apns_extra = none
                                  | [{atom(),
                                      integer() | boolean() | string()}],
                      extra = [apns_mochijson2:json_property()]}

status() = no_errors
                 | processing_error
                 | missing_token
                 | missing_topic
                 | missing_payload
                 | missing_token_size
                 | missing_topic_size
                 | missing_payload_size
                 | invalid_token
                 | unknown


start() -> ok | {error, {already_started, apns}}

Starts the application

stop() -> ok

Stops the application

connect() -> {ok, pid()} | {error, Reason::term()}

Opens an unnamed connection using the default parameters

connect(Name::atom() | string() | (string()) -> term() | connection()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, {already_started, pid()}} | {error, Reason::term()}

Opens an unnamed connection using the given feedback or error function or using the given connection() parameters or the name and default configuration if a name is given

connect(Name::atom(), Connection::string() | (string()) -> term() | connection()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, {already_started, pid()}} | {error, Reason::term()}

Opens an connection named after the atom() using the given feedback or error function or using the given connection() parameters

connect(Name::atom(), ErrorFun::(binary(), status() (see module apns)) -> stop | term(), FeedbackFun::(string()) -> term()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, {already_started, pid()}} | {error, Reason::term()}

Opens an connection named after the atom() using the given feedback and error functions

disconnect(ConnId::conn_id()) -> ok

Closes an open connection

send_message(ConnId::conn_id(), Msg::msg()) -> ok

Sends a message to Apple

send_content_available(ConnId::conn_id(), DeviceToken::string()) -> ok

Sends a message to Apple with content_available: 1

send_content_available(ConnId::conn_id(), DeviceToken::string(), Alert::string()) -> ok

Sends a message to Apple with content_available: 1 and an alert

send_badge(ConnId::conn_id(), DeviceToken::string(), Badge::integer()) -> ok

Sends a message to Apple with just a badge

send_message(ConnId::conn_id(), DeviceToken::string(), Alert::alert()) -> ok

Sends a message to Apple with just an alert

send_message(ConnId::conn_id(), Token::string(), Alert::alert(), Badge::integer()) -> ok

Sends a message to Apple with an alert and a badge

send_message(ConnId::conn_id(), Token::string(), Alert::alert(), Badge::integer(), Sound::apns_str()) -> ok

Sends a full message to Apple

estimate_available_bytes(Apns_msg::msg()) -> integer()

Predicts the number of bytes left in a message for additional data.

send_message(ConnId::conn_id(), Token::string(), Alert::alert(), Badge::integer(), Sound::apns_str(), Expiry::non_neg_integer()) -> ok

Sends a full message to Apple (complete with expiry)

send_message(ConnId::conn_id(), Token::string(), Alert::alert(), Badge::integer(), Sound::apns_str(), Expiry::non_neg_integer(), ExtraArgs::[json_property() (see module apns_mochijson2)]) -> ok

Sends a full message to Apple with expiry and extra arguments

send_message(ConnId::conn_id(), MsgId::binary(), DeviceToken::string(), Alert::alert(), Badge::integer(), Sound::apns_str(), Expiry::non_neg_integer(), ExtraArgs::[json_property() (see module apns_mochijson2)]) -> ok

Sends a full message to Apple with id, expiry and extra arguments

message_id() -> binary()

Generates an "unique" and valid message Id

expiry(Secs::none | {{1970..9999, 1..12, 1..31}, {0..24, 0..60, 0..60}} | pos_integer()) -> non_neg_integer()

Generates a valid expiry value for messages. If called with none as the parameter, it will return a no-expire value. If called with a datetime as the parameter, it will convert it to a valid expiry value. If called with an integer, it will add that many seconds to current time and return a valid expiry value for that date.

timestamp(Secs::pos_integer()) -> datetime() (see module calendar)

default_connection() -> connection()