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IKJayma by Inaka.


IKJayma was developed to ease the way we connect with the server. This will provide an easy way to create, update, delete and get entities from a server in a few lines of code.


With pods

If you are using pods you should add

pod 'IKJayma'
pod 'AFNetworking'

to your Podfile and run

pod install

in your terminal.

Without pods

Clone the repository running

git clone git@github.com:inaka/IKJayma.git

in your terminal. Then add the folder IKJayma found in


to your proyect. You're gonna need to add AFNetworking too. You can found how to do this here : https://github.com/AFNetworking/AFNetworking

How to use it?

You can search for the sample app inside your IKJayma cloned folder in


You'll have to create a CustomRepository class that inherites from AbstractRepository. AbstractRepository methods offer basic calls such as create, update, get ( all or some ) and delete. They describes what are expected and returned. Some of them receive AbstractDocuments ( objects created from a specific entity ) and returns AbstractDocuemnts, some receive a NSString with the Document ID and returns an AbstractDocument or a BOOL. You may want either use the generic methods of AbstractRepository and cast the AbstractDocuments into your CustomDocuments or write methods in your CustomRepository that calls the generic methods, cast them inside your repository and returns CustomDocuments instead of AbstractDocuments

What is behind?

IKJayma provides an IJAbstractRepository class. It has generic methods that create requests from the data set in the your CustomRepository class (Server URL and Entity Path ) and send them to a request queue on the IJAbstractBackend. Once there, the queue executes requests and calls the success or failure block with a response object and an IJError ( A custom Inaka complex error ) if it's necessary.
IKJayma also provides IJAFNetworkingBackend ( that inherites from IJAbstractBackend so you can implement your own backend if you want ), a backend that uses AFNetworking to do the server comunication and response management.